Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden is dead! Should we rejoice? Yes!!!! But...

Last night, I first saw the news on Facebook and then eventually turned on the TV to get the facts...I can't believe it's been almost 10 years since the horrific event that took thousands of American lives.  

As most people, I distinctly remember where I was when I heard the news - my (now) 18 year old daughter was 9, my (now) 16 year old was 6, I was pregnant with my littlest and we were in the car driving to school.  At first, they were announcing that it was an accident, then the terrorism came into play...then we sat by the TVs and watched as those 2 buildings crumbled, knowing that many, many lives were lost at that moment.   We watched New York City pull together - people risking and giving their lives trying to save others; then we watched America come together and remember that we were "one nation under God", as we grieved together. 

Last night and today, we have been reminded again of who we are as a nation, as we celebrate in the justice that has finally happened. We know that we serve a just God and that He even required justice to the point of His Son's sacrifice to cover our sins.  He handed out punishment to cities in the Old Testament who refused to obey Him...we know He demands justice. the same time, He shows us such grace - through the gift of His Son and through Christ's life, we see over and over such examples of grace and love for those who may not "deserve it".   Like the thief on the cross...when he professed Christ was God's Son, Jesus assured him that they would see each other in paradise.  That is a love that goes beyond justice...

So today - as we celebrate this justice - while we rejoice in the fact that this will save (who knows how many) lives, also remember that a soul was lost today.  And...yes...he was a horrible man who murdered many (and I am grateful for the justice that was served), but nonetheless, he was a creation of God and he also influenced many other lives that have been and will be lost because they were blinded by His words.   So...while we rejoice in the justice and while (I know) we remember in prayer those families who have lost loved ones due to this man's actions, let us also remember those will continue to be influenced by his teachings.   Let's also cover them in prayer and ask God to intercept and put things in place that may give them the opportunity to see the truth.

I 100% celebrate this victory today, knowing that justice has been served and lives will be saved.  As God's children, we are not only believers in justice, but believers in grace; as we walk through today and strive to live a life of worship today, let's remember both sides of God's character.  As we pursue Him today, let's pray that He teaches us how to live in a way that honors Him wholly...give our day as an act of living sacrifice, wholly, acceptable, and pleasing to Him.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Rom 12:1-2


  1. A friend shared a verse that I think is worth sharing here... "When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy." Pro 11:10

    At the same time, I think we should also remember what God says in Ezekiel 33:11 - "Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?’"

    These 2 verses both represent my thoughts in this blog - there are 2 sides - I just want us to remember both... :)

  2. Remember GOD was speaking to Israel in this passage from Ezekiel. Ezekiel is assuring Israel that God has no pleasure in their death, but that they should repent and live, something that bin Laden likely never exercised at the point of his death. Though, I think the undergirding principle remains, that God is not dancing in the heavenlies now that Osama is judged. But let us not forget that Jesus is receiving more glory now because His name is further vindicated by the judgement of bin Laden's rebellion.

  3. I do get that and I do agree; but I do believe that God's character remains the same and that He never takes pleasure in death...I just want to be sure that I remember the gracious and compassionate side of God, as well as His just side. Bin Laden made his choices that caused him to end up where he is - he deserves every bit of the justice he received. It is still a lost soul; how sad that he never saw the truth and repented. But what makes me even more sad is the fact that he has touched young lives over there that now believe his lies...I pray that somehow they have the opportunity to hear the truth. Maybe I should change the title - everyone seems to be thinking that my thoughts are that we should feel compassion and not victory, which is not the case - I do believe there is reason to celebrate the victory and I do believe God is just and His name has once more been exalted over a false god. But I also believe that His character shows grace & compassion, as well and I just want to be sure that I don't get so caught up in the anger and the victory over a death that I forget that side of the Almighty God. ;)

  4. Yup...It is easy to forget that we deserve no better than bin Laden. It is easy to celebrate the death of this wicked man not remembering that our own existence, apart from Jesus, is as equally offensive to God and as deserving of His judgement and wrath as bin Laden's. But blessed is the man whose sin is not remembered by God! God in his loving kindness and grace has made Jesus who knew no sin to become sin for us so that we might be made the righteousness of Christ. God's attributes of love and justice are not at odds but are inextricably bound together in His holiness. Because He loves His righteousness and holiness He hates iniquity and His justice is revealed in the death of the wicked. In a similar way God's justice and love are revealed in His salvation of the wicked. Because He loves you, God poured out his anger and wrath upon the Son rather than you. It pleased God to bruise Jesus because in so doing God's wrath was satisfied and His love was manifest toward you!

  5. Amen! Great words...very well said!
    Thanks, Josh!! :)

  6. Well said, Sheri. My thoughts are similar. :)
